San Francisco Winter 2017
It’s hard to believe that this is the camera that we used to film the first Wheel Talk videos. Video cameras sure have come a long way since this. The one redeeming factor of this camera is how small and portable it is. Not to mention the fact that it’s nearly impossible to make video look this shitty anymore.

Anyways, here’s an assortment of pocket clips using the flip cam from the last time I was back home in SF. It always feels good to be back among a sea of familiar faces and visit places with a whole different sense of awareness and appreciation. Hits me right in the feels. Everytime. Some of my favorite footage in this is of everybody at the MASH STORE just hanging out. It’s such a hub for the community that it’s pretty much a guarantee that some of your friends are already there. Loitering mostly, but playing our part and getting to know eachother better one day at a time. Thanks Mike.



Schermata 2018-02-12 alle 15.26.38